Monday, March 31, 2008

Progress report....

Okay, so, progress up to this point has been somewhat slow. My piece has gone through several evolutions, and finally de-evolutions back to my original idea. I first encountered some difficulty with using pastels, then attempted to create my piece in flash and photoshop. Neither of these tools gave the same effect as the hand drawn pastel images, which have proven to be a bit more work, but a far more blended, smooth image, which is what i really wanted for this piece. So, to this point, i have completed the first scene, and managed to get a really good pencil test. My original calendar also needs to be updated , due to the fact that my estimations of the amount of frames each scene would require is way off, which means my animation might potentially end up being closer to 30 to 40 seconds, as opposed to a full minute. So, my new schedule goes as follows for the rest of the class:
Mar 30 - Apr 6
- Finish drawing the frames for scene two (cat chasing crow), pencil test (Wednesday)

Apr 7 - Apr 13
- Finish drawing frames for scene three(dog chasing cat), pencil test

Apr 14 - Apr 20
- Finish drawing frames for scene four (dog chained to tree), pencil test

Apr 21 - Apr 27
- Finish drawings for scenes, including in betweens where needed
- Draw opening and closing scenes
- Clean up in After Effects
- Incorporate in some ambient sounds where/if necessary
- Insert Animation title and credits
- Decide to either re-scan or continue with camera shots for final animation

Apr 28
- Finalize menus for the DVD (if we are taught how)
- Master final version to DVD

Annnd.... A quicktime file of my current progress.... As uploaded in my photobucket:¤t=smallCHAMBERS_TEST1.flv


jaboran said...

I see that you have some progress to report. i like the idea of using a mixed media. aside from the time, which i believe you are aware of, left in the semester and your current progress; there needs to be a lot of drawing/scanning/picture taking, etc..

also, will there be sound to accompany this piece?

i feel the background needs something, a blob of color perhaps? a tree? a farmhouse? something that will change as the animals change to fortify the animalistic shape?

i also think the snake striking the mouse needs to be quicker, the anticipation of the strike is great, but i feel u can remove a couple of frames in the striking motion to really make it more believable.

aside from my concerns, i enjoyed the colors and style of the piece. i want to see more.

bunnieater said...

I definitiely think a background could make this stronger. Something simple like speckles of different colors or linear designs that change when the animals evolve. I also suggest tribal music.

Paul Jarvis said...

This is the first time I've seen any of this piece, and I really love the pastel style you went with. I think this is going to need some sort of musical accompaniment, or it's going to lose a lot of flavor -- Something simple, but definitely something.

You were spot on with choosing to stick with mixed media. I'm not sure what it is exactly, but something about the traditional route really shows how much love went into the work. Good luck finishing!